NOTE: You will need to share your startup info with ChatGPT before starting to prompt it. Please copy/paste your startup details as created using the following:
0. Guidelines For Info for ChatGPT
I am going to share my startup’s information with you to help you assist me in some tasks I ask you to perform. If you received and understood them, reply with “I now understand your company well.”, else ask me further questions to improve your understanding of my company.
[Paste the contents of your Startup Info here]
ChatGPT will ask you many questions about your business. Answer them as clearly and as much in detail as you can. Once you enter the answers, ChatGPT will mostly reply with an approach or an outline here.
At this point, ChatGPT will ask you more questions that will go in-depth for each section in the outline or approach. Answer them as clearly and in detail as you can. Once you answer, it will start replying with the part of the narrative it is working on.
Copy/paste this response into a Google Docs, Word or any other writing software you use.
Note: Repeat for all the sections of the approach/outline it suggested earlier.