NOTE: You will need to share your startup info with ChatGPT before starting to prompt it. Please copy/paste your startup details as created using the following:
0. Guidelines For Info for ChatGPT
I am going to share my startup’s information with you to help you assist me in some tasks I ask you to perform. If you received and understood them, reply with “I now understand your company well.”, else ask me further questions to improve your understanding of my company.
[Paste the contents of your Startup Info here]
Here is my elevator pitch:
[Insert elevator pitch here]
Create a version of my elevator pitch tailored for use in networking events, focusing on creating interest and opening for follow-up conversations. The networking event I am going to is called [Insert event name] and it is for [main target audience of the event] and I am expecting to bump into [categories of people here; example: investors, mentors, other startup founders, etc.].
Here is my elevator pitch:
[Insert elevator pitch here]
Transform my verbal elevator pitch into a written format suitable for emails or LinkedIn messages.